The Open Public Records Act, N.J.S.A. 47:1 A-1, outlines the types of records that are open to the public and procedures for requesting such records. The College of New Jersey, in compliance with the Open Public Records Act (OPRA), hereby provides notice that all College records other than those identified by OPRA as exempt or as exceptions to disclosure and those protected from disclosure by federal or other State law, will be available to the public according to the procedures described below:
Fill out the form
Return the completed form by mail, facsimile or e-mail to:
Jamie Schwartz, Records Custodian
Office of General Counsel
The College of New Jersey
Green Hall, Room 207
P.O. Box 7718
Ewing, NJ 08628-0718
Facsimile: (609) 637-5146
Once request is received, TCNJ will process the request within 7 business days
Any questions, contact Jamie Schwartz
(609) 771-2734 or