The information requested on this form is required when requesting a government record pursuant to N.J.S.A. 47:1A-1, et seq. The Custodian of Records will not consider a request unless and until all required information is provided.
1. All requests for government records must be made in writing to the Custodian of Records and must contain the information contained on this form. The Custodian of Records for The College of New Jersey is the General Counsel located in Green Hall, Room 207, telephone number (609) 771-2734. If you submit your request to any other officer or employee of The College, that officer or employee does not have authorization to accept requests pursuant to the Open Public Records Act and you will be directed to the Custodian of Records. Your request will not be considered filed until it is received by the Custodian of Records.
2. If you (1) submit a request to access a government record pursuant to the Open Public Records Act to someone other than the designated custodian, (2) do not provide the information requested on this form or (3) attempt to make a request for access by telephone or fax, the Open Public Records Act and its deadlines, restrictions and remedies will not apply to your request.
3. A copy of a government record may be purchased upon payment of a fee calculated as follows:
- All letter size (8.5×11) are $0.05 per page
- All legal size (8.5×14) are $0.07 per page
- The College may charge for its actual costs for duplication under certain circumstances.
If the nature, format, manner of collation, or volume of a government record is such that the record cannot be reproduced by ordinary copying equipment in ordinary business size or involves an extraordinary expenditure of time and effort to accommodate the request, The College may charge, in addition to the actual cost of duplicating the record, a special service charge that shall be reasonable and shall be based upon the actual direct cost of providing the copy or copies. The College will notify you of any special charges, special service charges or other additional charges before processing your request. The requestor shall have the opportunity to review and object to the charge prior to it being incurred.
4. The Custodian of Records may require prepayment of fees or a deposit as indicated on this form.
5. The Custodian of Records shall grant access to a government record or deny a request for access to a government record no later than seven days after receiving the request provided that the record is currently available and not in storage or archived. If the government record is in storage or archived, the requestor shall be so advised within seven days after the custodian receives the request. The requestor shall be advised by the Custodian of Records when the record can be made available. You may agree with the Custodian of Records to extend the time for granting or denying your request or making records available.
6. A person who is denied access to a government record by the Custodian of Records, at the option of the requestor, may institute a proceeding to challenge the Custodian’s decision by filing an action in the Superior Court of New Jersey or, in lieu of filing an action in Superior Court, file a complaint with the Government Records Council.
7. You may be denied access to a government record if your request would substantially disrupt agency operations and the custodian is unable to reach a reasonable solution with you.
8. If the College is unable to comply with your request for access to a government record, the Custodian of Records will indicate the reasons for denial on the request form and send you a signed and dated copy.
9. Pursuant to State Law, a custodian must deny access to a government record to a person who is convicted of an indictable offense in New Jersey, any other state or the United States who is seeking government records containing personal information pertaining to the person’s victim or the victim’s family. This form, therefore, asks you whether you have been so convicted.